Asset Management | Answering Healthcare’s Biggest Operational Challenges

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Healthcare facilities are mandated with stringent regulatory standards. Yet they often grapple with complex and fragmented asset management systems that compromise their operational oversight.

The multifaceted nature of their responsibilities necessitates a delicate balance between patient comfort, staff safety and seamless operation of critical medical equipment. However, juggling these priorities proves challenging, as each one requires significant attention.

Ensuring optimal patient comfort demands precise temperature control and air quality management, while staff safety relies on well-maintained HVAC, fire protection and electrical systems. Simultaneously, the uninterrupted operation of critical medical equipment is imperative for patient care. In addition to these three priorities, the general maintenance of HVAC, fire and electrical assets must be integrated in parallel, further exacerbating management complexities.

This intricate interplay underscores the necessity for streamlined asset management systems that can harmonise these disparate priorities–all while maintaining compliance with stringent regulatory standards.

“To sustain healthy environments, you need healthy assets.”

Over the last 29 years, Grosvenor Engineering Group (GEG) has learned that maintaining healthy environments in healthcare requires healthy assets. However, cumbersome processes and reporting structures hinder efficient monitoring and maintenance. This leads to lost information, unreported faults and a reactive rather than proactive approach to asset maintenance. Consequently, healthcare facilities face preventable risks.

What are the main challenges within healthcare asset management?

Being a leader in the healthcare industry has taught us to adapt to the specific challenges that face healthcare operations. There can’t be any compromise between patient care and efficiency. Every asset and facility needs to be reliably performing at the same, consistently high level.

Below, we have a look at some of the main challenges facing Healthcare facilities today, and what GEG is doing to solve them.

Hospitals and medical facilities have a unique responsibility when it comes to disaster recovery and risk mitigation. It’s more than lost profits, reputation damage or inconvenience for medical staff. The health and wellness of people are at stake.

As a result, every kind of medical services provider has a duty to go above and beyond to mitigate the risk of downtime and prepare for possible disasters.

GEG’s solutions

Effective risk mitigation needs to be holistic and strategic. To ensure patient safety and to protect organisations from harm, GEG employs a wide range of methods to identify and reduce risk.

Service delivery consistency

Implementation of protocols and monitoring systems to maintain consistent standards of high-quality care for patients and staff.

Compliance & Governance

Establishment of a clear chain of command and governance system to demonstrate operational integrity and to ensure compliance with ANZ Standards.

Contingency planning

Preparedness for unexpected events or emergencies through contingency planning and resilience-building strategies, including Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems and compliant evacuation procedures.

Asset management

Effective management of physical assets and resources to maximise performance, avoid downtime and optimise cost efficiency.

Full visibility

Integration of a comprehensive suite of real-time monitoring and data management tools to provide accurate, actionable information and to enable decision-making based on fact.

Knowing the condition and history of every asset within your organisation is crucial for reliable operations. If you experience a drop in performance or a breakdown in any area, it can have severe implications for the entirety of your built environment.

To have full visibility and control over your assets, you need a centralised asset management system. That means finding a way to integrate all of the disparate processes across all of your teams under one, easily accessible platform.

GEG’s solutions


Achieving this level of transparency across your entire asset portfolio is difficult, but not impossible. GEG has developed an integrated service model that has been tailored specifically to achieving these outcomes for the healthcare industry.

Records & data

Data management setup to house detailed records of healthcare facility assets, allowing for more efficient maintenance and utilisation

Data validation

Implementation of validation processes and quality control measures to ensure the accuracy and reliability of asset data.

Financial overview & optimisation

Full financial overview, including budgeting, revenue generation, cost containment strategies and opportunities for financial optimisation and growth

Data integration

Integration of data between various systems and sources, enabling seamless information exchange, improved interoperability and consistent and up-to-date data across platforms.

CapEx insights

Making the invisible visible by revealing the hidden costs and true capital expenditure within healthcare operations, allowing for strategic infrastructure improvement and long-term financial sustainability.

Informed financial decisions

Leveraging of data analytics and financial modelling techniques to support informed decision-making for budgeting, resource allocation and investment strategies for healthcare facilities.

Like other industries, healthcare facilities face challenges as their operational costs continue to rise. Running an energy-efficient, environmentally responsible medical environment requires a strategic framework supported by ongoing monitoring and analysis. Changing how a hospital or clinic runs can pose a serious risk to patients and staff if it isn’t implemented perfectly.

GEG’s solutions


In addition to our core technical services, GEG offers a range of advisory services to help our healthcare clients achieve tangible sustainability outcomes–without the risk. We have deep expertise in sustainable asset management, with all of our recommendations rooted in applicable, real-world results.

Progressive energy management

Recommendation and management of efficient, clean energy technologies that can be feasibly adopted by your healthcare facility.

Emission reduction

Reduction of carbon footprint through the improvement of existing assets, as well as long-term infrastructure upgrade planning.

Sustainable asset ROI

Ongoing monitoring and performance analysis of sustainable assets to ensure energy-efficient operations that generate value for your facility.

Building optimisation

Auditing, management and optimisation of your buildings to maximise the cost-benefit ratio of your operations, tailored to your specific budget.

Risk management

Comprehensive, researched protocols to avoid risks to health, environment and finances during and after transitions to sustain

With an expansive portfolio of assets comes a large list of legislation and policies that must be adhered to. Standards for safety, security, health and others are always changing–and are not negotiable. Ensuring a healthcare facility is compliant with every Australian and state standard requires full-time monitoring and immaculate record keeping. That means the implementation of a robust, failsafe system of compliance processes.

GEG’s solutions


GEG employ experienced, accredited auditors to service every operational asset found in a healthcare facility. We ensure compliance with ANZ standards, performing assessments and installation support for fire safety systems, alarm systems, WHS requirements, and much more.

Proactive safety solutions

Identification and prevention of issues around HVAC, air quality, lighting, pathogen control and fire and electrical to promote a safe working environment for all occupants.

Building compliance

Accredited independent building inspection in compliance with ANZ standards, providing plans for corrective maintenance wherever needed.

Tailor and influence decisions to adapt to policies governance look for

Advice on policy changes and how to set up adaptive governance measures to stay ahead of regulatory requirements into the future.

Patient & staff comfort

Assurance of occupant comfort, going beyond basic compliance to ensure the utmost in staff safety and patient experience.

As extensive as this list is, this is just an overview of GEG’s full healthcare capabilities, all of which have been tailored specifically to meet the demands of critical infrastructure in medical environments.

‘GEG aim to enrich people’s lives by transforming the built environment.’

Our full suite of core technical services and advisory services prioritise adherence to policy and strong governance, without losing the ability to adapt to unprecedented situations. This is evidenced in how we have developed our healthcare capabilities in direct response to client needs. Something we’ve done across every industry we’ve worked within.

The value GEG brings


Expert Insights

In-depth analysis and expert opinions on various topics related to healthcare facility management, compliance and sustainability.

Practical Guidance

Practical tips, strategies and best practices for improving risk management, service delivery consistency and overall governance within healthcare facilities.

Industry Updates

Keeping clients informed about the latest developments, regulations and trends that impact healthcare facility operations and management.

Tools & Resources

Offering resources that help healthcare professionals streamline their operations, manage data effectively and make more informed decisions.

Answering the unique challenges faced by the healthcare industry requires an equally unique asset management approach. At Grosvenor Engineering Group, we’re proud of the improvements we have provided to our hospitals and clinics, but we are always looking to improve our services and reach more organisations that need support. If you’re interested in enhancing the quality, reliability and efficiency of your healthcare operations, please contact us and start a conversation today.