New Requirements? | How The New AS/NZS 61439 Standards Will Affect You.

THERE'S A NEW AS/NZS 61439 STANDARD IN TOWN We all know change is inevitable – tech continues to make headway, and so do our safety expectations. Given that the current AS/NZS 3439 standard first came into play in 1998, there have been many advancements in electrical switchgear, design, manufacture, and safety processes. The updated standard also stands to refine financial an

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Why test & tag? How minimising electrical hazards can reduce risks.

Across the two years from 2014-2016, 1,065 people were hospitalised with an electrical injury. 47% of these people were injured while doing their work.The best way to prevent people from coming into contact with electrical hazards at work is to make sure your appliance and equipment are tested regularly for damage and faults. The Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760 regulates the test and tag industry;

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Do you need a risk assessment of your emergency lighting plan?

Emergency lighting, safety standards and your building are evolving at the same time. Thomas Doss, National Service Line Manager, Electrical, shares his insights. As National Service Line Manager for Grosvenor Engineering Group’s (Grosvenor) Electrical division, Thomas oversees the growth, delivery, consistency, tech support and compliance of the Grosvenor electrical division nationally. H

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Why Maintain Electrical Circuits? | How Thermal Imaging Prevents Electrical Faults

Be Proactive: Use thermal imaging to prevent electrical faults Things are humming along nicely when all of a sudden, your electrical supply: kaput. It can happen any day, at any hour, and beyond the inconvenience, an unplanned electrical outage is costly and worse – highly dangerous. How’s this for a motivating statistic: 22% of industrial fires are caused by faulty electrical e

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