Protecting critical healthcare infrastructure

COVID has heightened awareness around the need to protect critical healthcare infrastructure which is worth billions of dollars in Australia. Poorly maintained equipment will affect the bottom line and most importantly doctor and patient safety, particularly in high risk environments such as ICU. Reactive, unplanned repairs (breakdowns) are the outcome of poorly protected or maintained equipment.

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5 Step Process To Achieving Fire Compliance

By Robert Westerhout, Compliance Manager – FireThe Building Code of Australia details the minimum design criteria for fire safety measures in a building. These requirements are based on the Available Safe Egress Time (ASET) being less than the Required Safe Egress Time (RSET). ASET is the time it takes from fire ignition for conditions to be untenable. RSET is the time it takes from fire ignitio

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Fighting fires with foam – minimising the risks

By Robert Westerhout, Compliance Manager Facility owners and managers have become increasingly aware about the dangers and ramifications associated with using the wrong fluorochemicals, which can have a significant impact on the environment and possibly human health. The most common question that is emerging is – should I use fluorinated foams such as Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF), Film Fo

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