By Rod Kington, National Manager - Sustainability What is HVAC? An HVAC system creates a comfortable space to live and work in the built environment. This heating and cooling system moves heat in and out of internal areas to ensure habitable spaces. When designed correctly, significant energy savings and efficiencies can be achieved to help buildings attain carbon-neutral status.What does
Read full articleGrosvenor Engineering Group (GEG) is the first major technical services company in Australia to introduce a dedicated natural refrigerant technology service for HVAC &R systems, focused on assisting the multi-billion dollar Australian commercial office market reduce its carbon footprint by providing a green alternative.According to, the global refrigerants market was est
Read full articleBy Robert Westerhout, Compliance Manager Facility owners and managers have become increasingly aware about the dangers and ramifications associated with using the wrong fluorochemicals, which can have a significant impact on the environment and possibly human health. The most common question that is emerging is – should I use fluorinated foams such as Aqueous Film Forming Foams (AFFF), Film Fo
Read full articleThe office-space rental market is undergoing a fundamental shift, from the hitherto inflexible leasing of a fixed amount of space for a fixed period of time to something that better complements the dynamic nature of many 21st century businesses. Grosvenor Engineering Group Managing Director, Nicholas Lianos, explains the new phenomenon—‘space as a service’—and discusses the opportunities
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